Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Writing my first post onto my new blog, I am a little nervous and scared. I'm not sure how well this blog will do. I have already worked on two failed blog, putting in three years of work. However, the blogs and work wasn't all a waste. I found art and creativity and through those I have found myself. 
Who am I? I am Cody Doll. I have been creating on and off all my life. I can't remember a time without a pen, pencil, marker or paint in my hand. My childhood life was a mess of a broken family. I escaped through creating art and reading books. Although I didn't realize how passionate I was for either til 2014. As I attend my third semester into collage, my health declined before I finally had to drop out. I was going through serious stomach issues with unknown causes. During the hard times, I created art more then I ever did. I was creating art daily and art saw me through those rough seas. Now in 2015, I feel my health is finally where I can function and I feel normal but I still create art. Art has found me and I found myself though art. 

That's how important art feels to me. Once I knew that, I realized I wanted to create a place to share.
A digital studio. 
After taking many months to think and develop, I now welcome you to my site all about my creativity. I want to writing about journals, project life, scrapbooking, pretty planning, "ugly" planning, different styles of art and more. You can gain valuable information about creativity from these posts, at least I hope so. Let us create a community full of positive creative people. 

Welcome to Cody Doll Studio.